A family-friendly social club & coffee shop

The Den is a social club for families that’s curating a beautiful space for community, classes, and great coffee. It’s lovingly designed for adults and children in equal measure, and aims to provide a supportive and dignified experience for anyone navigating the parenthood journey and searching for something different.

The Series - a Postpartum Cohort, Round 5

Are you a new mom? Your first year postpartum can be a lonely time, and it can be confusing to know where to turn if you need help. 

The Den has partnered with some of the best practitioners in Denver for a 8-week postpartum series from July 10th - August 28th.  This Series is designed to provide you with in-depth expert information, great conversation, and opportunities to connect with others going through the same experience. 

The transition into parenthood can be tough.

Whether it’s fertility, loss, adoption, pregnancies, traumatic births, feeding, strained marriage, identity crisis, postpartum isolation …the list is endless and it can be burdensome. But we think there’s also something uniting in that. There’s beauty in a struggle that is shared. The Den is a space where we can talk about these things; openly and authentically. And it’s a place our kids love to spend time in as well.

Our Space

  • One space for the entire family, designed by Davis Partnership. Think a hotel lobby, with kids entertainment seamlessly woven throughout. Sit down, have a cup of coffee, let your kids play around you. Our social lounge, and all the services we offer, are offered within our Lounge Entry Fee.

    Our business model is similar to play spaces, social clubs, or co-working spaces in Denver. We charge for entry so that we can offer the amenities that we do, so that we can offer a contained and curated experience for all our patrons, and so that families have a space to go to which feels elevated and inspiring to them.

  • Pablo’s coffee, Rebel Bread pastries, and other easy takeaways all right at your fingertips. Take your treats into the lounge, or on the run for the day.

  • This space offers small classes for adults and children. When the room is not in use for private classes, it is available for crafting with your little ones while you enjoy your treat. The Den has plenty of toys, puzzles, and art supplies at the ready.

  • Think of an in-person Yelp space for parents and guardians. This is a wall filled with ideas and information, including quotes from our Resource Panel of Advisors, all with QR codes incorporated to allow the reader to further their learning. If an adult liked a quote from our panel, a QR code sends them to that quoter’s website and contact page. Should the reader find a particular book relevant, the QR will direct them to that book’s retail page.

    The Den will make an interactive space that incorporates thought-provoking theories, data, and statistics on what it means to navigate parenthood, all while the child navigates play for themselves.

  • This rentable room will be a peaceful flex space for anyone from Counselors to Cranial Sacral Specialists to parents wanting to host a private group.

    When not being rented, it is open to our guests as a space to regroup, take a breather, and just relax.